Nomination Submission Form

Nomination Submission Form

Are you nominating an individual or a team?

Category or categories for which you are submitting your nomination

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please include specific details on why the person you are nominating should earn an Infinite Mile Award in the categories of Public, Customer, or Client Relations; Problem Solving and Leadership; Collaboration/Teamwork; and/or Community Building. Files must be less than 2 MB. Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx.

Please include specific details on why the person you are nominating should earn an Infinite Mile Award in the categories of Public, Customer, or Client Relations; Problem Solving and Leadership; Collaboration/Teamwork; and/or Community Building.

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Please keep in mind that encouraging others to also nominate the same individual or team gives a better chance of receiving the award. In addition, you may submit your nomination electronically to Sarah Mattivello who can also answer any questions.