Process and Eligibility


Nominations for our 2025 Infinite Mile Awards are now being accepted for individuals and teams. The deadline for submitting a nomination is March 24.

How to Nominate

Use our online form to submit your nomination. Please keep in mind that encouraging others to also nominate the same individual gives this person a better chance of receiving the award.

Your reasons for nominating an individual or a team may overlap two or more of the criteria described in the Award Categories. Since there may be important contributions that we have not explicitly identified, you may refer to any criteria that you feel are relevant.

Selection Committee

The Infinite Mile Award Selection Committee for 2025 includes Jose-Luis Olivares, Institute Office of Communications, Lisa Miller, Office of the President, and Ellen Patton, Office of the President.


All employees in our group are eligible to nominate or be nominated for an award. You also may nominate employees elsewhere at the Institute who meet our awards criteria and who have provided exceptional service to offices within our group.


The annual Infinite Mile Award for our area includes recognition and a monetary award in the range of $1,000. The amount awarded to individual members of a team will be determined by its size.